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AI Hub SmartLead

AI and automation to dramatically scale up lead generation

An intelligent lead generation tool to bring you the most relevant leads, for 5 - 10x less cost


Traditional online and offline lead generation costs by industry and channel


Lead generation costs $50-200 per lead across different industries



Lead generation costs $30-800 per lead across different channels


Source: Linchpinseo

SmartLead AI and automation allows 5 - 10x lead generation results at the same costs

Only highly targeted and relevant leads

Image by Marvin Meyer

Price plans





Customized package


Business Starter

50 highly targeted and relevant leads

Multiple targeting options including:







Business Standard

250 highly targeted and relevant leads

25 bonus leads


Multiple targeting options, including Starter and:




1 additional advanced option


Business Plus

Customized package

Only Target High Potential Leads

Get target leads selected with multiple qualifications

Block Man

By seniority

From CXO to entry level

Block Angel

By function

From business development to human resource

Block Devil

By title

CEO / CXO / Vice President / Director / ...

Green Alligator Block

By company

From startups to Fortune 500 companies

Green Block Monster

By industry

From A to Z

Block Punk

By location

Cities across Asia


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Are there any data privacy concerns using SmartLead product?

SmartLead only generates leads with business, not personal, data. Hence they are not subject to personal data protection laws.

How long does it take to get my leads?

Depending on the industry you are targeting, the time to generate leads will vary. Typically in a week you can expect 20-50 leads.

How do you generate the leads for us?

Based on the profile of your desired lead, the intelligent engine will search and analyze relevant digital platforms, including news, social media, etc, to generate leads most relevant to you. The engine works 24x7 and currently focuses on the Asian region.

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